Checklist for Blockchain App Development

See if you have all under control in your project

Hello, it’s Daniel!

Everybody is talking about their plans for 2024. But before we make our wishes on New Year’s night, we have time to recap, clean up, and realize if there’s anything missing regarding our projects. To have some kind of helicopter view over your blockchain development, I’ve brought some self-check materials from our internal documentation.

Hope you’ll find any of them helpful.

First and foremost—The Roadmap

  • Conceptualisation and planning

  • Technology selection

  • Architecture and design

  • Security measures

  • Performance

  • Development and testing

  • UX and interfaces

  • Compliance and legal issues

  • Deployment and maintenance

  • Monitoring and feedback

Checklist for your blockchain app development
with comments from my team :)

Most projects don’t have a clear vision of their purpose at the start. In that case, keep iterating this stage from time to time. Experience will show you the way.

Our experience tells us that changes in this stage bring significant costs if they appear during other stages of development. So try to keep your dev toolbox minimalistic from the start.

It’s quite a resultative practice when you make your internal iteration of this step and then bring the results to an experienced consultant to view through. It’s still relatively easy to dive into context and reveal those mistakes that were missed. It will cost you less than you’ll change architecture on the go, but frankly speaking, that happens a lot too.

Yes, no matter how massive or “serious” your project is, security is a must for each. You have to be ready to protect your data and the data of your users and be ready to explain how you do it to them. The best security measure is always a transparent one, making everyone plan transparently.

Quite a great plan, right? We know that in practice blockchain app development is always a mix of all these steps at once, but by separating these stages, you’ll be able to grasp more control over the creation process and give it a chance to be visualized and interconnected.

Looking for someone to help you with your project? Join our pack of hundred blockchain enthusiasts, CTOs, and CEOs sharing their experiences and finding new connections

What will you ask Santa about this year?

Another bull run on the market, right? There’s no better time to get ready for getting off the bear stage than now, so check all your blockchain engines, upgrade your infrastructures, and expand functionality even beyond the bravest assumptions

You know where to find me if Dysnix may be of use to you.

Best pre-festive regards,
